
From Domain to Delivery: End-to-End Clean Architecture in Python

Friday, May 24

14:45 - 15:15
Audience levelBeginner
Elevator pitch

As an applications in Python become increasingly complex, the need for a structured approach to manage this complexity becomes essential. Clean Architecture offers a solution by ensuring separation of concerns and adaptability.


Managing modularity and ensuring maintainability in Python applications can be challenging as projects grow. Clean Architecture addresses these issues by promoting separation of concerns and system independence. In this talk, we’ll explore Clean Architecture’s layered approach, starting with domain models to enforce business rules. We’ll then integrate these models with use cases and repositories, showcasing effective layering and dependency management. Interface adapters and their role in connecting external requests to internal logic will also be discussed. The session concludes by demonstrating how to package these components for delivery, focusing on modularity and testability. Attendees will gain practical insights for applying Clean Architecture in Python to create scalable and maintainable applications.

TagsArchitecture, Clean Code

Ievgen Burdin

I am a Python developer with a passion for crafting efficient and elegant solutions. With a solid foundation in Python programming, I specialize in creating scalable and maintainable software. I thrive on tackling complex challenges, utilizing my expertise in frameworks like Django, Flask, Fast API, as well as for the implementation of non-standard and serverless applications. Committed to staying abreast of industry trends, I continuously seek to enhance my skills and contribute to the ever-evolving Python development community.