
Let’s make the world a better place: Python for Social Good

Friday, May 24

15:25 - 16:10
Audience levelIntermediate
Elevator pitch

Join me on a purposeful journey where Python with its palette of libraries paints a brighter future. While exploring its versatility, simplicity, and extensive community support, let’s code a healthier world in healthcare and battle online villains with Python, our ethical superhero! #PythonForGood


Let’s zoom out for a moment and have a look at the vast canvas of our world, at the challenges it presents to us. Now, imagine if Python could be the color that paints a brighter future within that canvas. In this talk, let’s embark on a purposeful journey with Python: a journey where a bunch of lines of code works as a catalyst for positive transformation.

Python for its simplicity, versatility, and most importantly, its community support, has constantly been the first choice. For starters, libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and OpenCV have played pivotal roles in the research and development of revolutionary solutions. But this isn’t just about coding; it’s about applying Python to make a tangible impact on people’s lives. In this talk, we will introduce two such domains, which we have been involved working in over the last few years

First, we’ll delve into Python’s role in healthcare and medical research, where code becomes a savior. Imagine writing code that identifies diseases, automates healthcare processes, and contributes to a healthier world.

But that’s just the start. Python isn’t just a coding language; it’s like a superhero on a mission for good. Imagine Python as the hero fighting online bad stuff – like bullies, mean talkers, and fake/misleading news. And what’s more? It has some cool sidekicks, like Huggingface, EthicalML, and TensorFlow-Fairness-Indicators, making it a real ethical superhero in the coding world.

TagsDeep Learning, Case Study, Natural Language Processing

Adarsh Kumar

I am a recent graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, where I majored in Mathematics and Computing. Currently, I am working as a Low Latency Software Engineer in an Indian HFT Firm, alongside actively engaging in research in interdisciplinary applications of AI such as AI for Music Composition, AI for Social Good, or AI in Finance (which I have been involved with since last 3 years). My primary interests are in Generative Modelling and it’s applications in real life. You can find my works here:googlescholar and here:github)

On a personal note, I love to sing, dance and play Keyboard.