
Lightning Talks

Friday, May 24

18:45 - 19:45
RoomsSpaghetti, Lasagna, Tagliatelle

Howdy 👋

Welcome to the Lightning Talk (LT) Session at PyCon Italia 2024.

In case you were wondering what a LT is, here a short and pompous definition kindly provided by ChatGPTâ„¢ :

Lightning Talks are commonly used in conferences, seminars, and tech meetups to provide a platform for speakers to share ideas without requiring a significant time commitment from the audience. They are particularly popular in tech and academic communities where they can be used to present new ideas, research findings, or interesting projects.

In essence, LTs are very short talks (4 to 5 minutes) that offer the opportunity to any participant to get up on stage, and share with the community what they have to say! Any topic is a good topic for a LT (as long as it is permitted by the CoC, ed. ) .

Proposing a Lighting Talk at PyCon Italia 2024

To send in your proposal for a LT, all we need is a title and the name(s) of the speaker(s) to be called up on stage.

This year submissions will be organised according to four categories:

  • Community & Diversity, for community and/or diversity initiatives;
  • Announcement (limited to 1 min) about upcoming conferences, events, call for papers;
  • First-time Speaker: special category for whoever is going to go on stage for the first time!
  • General Track : default category, if none of the above applies.

All the submissions will be collected in a special box located at the Registration booth.

It will be possible to send in your proposal anytime during the conference, until the beginning of the session.