Syncing service data with your DB can be tricky. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use SQLAlchemy, a powerful SQL toolkit that simplifies this task. We’ll cover how to leverage SQLAlchemy’s Object Relational Mapper system, and how to use SQLAlchemy’s asyncio extension for async services!
This tutorial is for Python developers of any level who write applications that interact with databases and want to learn how to leverage a tool like SQLAlchemy to seamlessly interact with a database and manage data in a Pythonic way.
You’ll walk out of this interactive tutorial having learned how to:
To give more detail, we’ll be covering the following:
Aya Elsayed is a software engineer at Bloomberg. She’s a leader in the company’s Python Guild, which aims to support Python engineers at Bloomberg to innovate, develop Python packages, and stay connected to the broader Python community. Aya previously spoke at a few conferences, including PyCon US 2023, PyCon Italia 2023, and PyCon UK 2022, as well as delivered workshops at internal and local meetups like PyLadies London. She enjoys Pilates, hiking, and trying out restaurants around London.
Rhythm Patel is a software engineer at Bloomberg. He is a part of Bloomberg’s Python Guild, which is dedicated to aiding Python engineers, fostering innovation, creating and maintaining Python packages, as well as acting as a bridge to the wider Python community. Rhythm has spoken at PyCon Germany 2024, PyCon US 2024, PyCon UK 2023, and other internal conferences. When he’s not working, you can find him playing football or tennis, traveling and hiking, or volunteering at London’s Royal Parks and London Zoo.