
PEP 683: Immortal Objects - A new approach for memory managing

Friday, May 24

16:20 - 16:50
Audience levelAdvanced
Elevator pitch

For most people that use Python, worrying about memory is not an issue. But that’s not the case when you have to handle a lot of requests on a large scale. So how do you reduce memory consumption without affecting the CPU? Want to know more? So let’s talk about PEP 683, GIL and memory management


In this presentation I’ll discuss memory management in Python from the basics, where the necessity for PEP 683 came from, and the changes introduced by it. I also intend to discuss why this PEP is so important for the language, and what we’ll be able to achieve with it in the future, such as changes to the GIL and true parallelism.


  • 2 min self-presentation;
  • 3 mins: memory management in python from the basics;
  • 3 mins: memory, GIL and threads;
  • 5 mins: Motivation and use case: why immutability and ignoring reference count?;
  • 3 mins: problems ahead! Backwards/platform compatibility, performance degradation;
  • 5 mins: future implications and where immortal objects are already being used (other related PEPs);
  • 2 mins for conclusions and thanks;
  • 5 mins for Q&A;

The talk is targeted for folks who are intermediate/advanced pythonistas. People who are just starting with Python (maybe less than 1.5 years) may feel a bit lost. Even so, curious learners are more than welcome to join, and will try my best to make it as easy as possible for all audiences on this topic. After this presentation, participants will learn a bit more about how memory management works under the hood in python, and how it may change in the next couple of years.

TagsOpen-Source, CPython

Vinícius Gubiani Ferreira

Love to code, to read other people’s code, and to help others achieve what they want with code. Be it directly or by guiding them to find out for themselves.