
Tricking Neural Networks : Explore Adversarial Attacks

Friday, May 24

16:20 - 16:50
Audience levelIntermediate
Elevator pitch

Large Language Models are pretty cool, but we need to be aware of how they can be compromised. I will show how neural networks are vulnerable to attacks through an example of an adversarial attack on deep learning models in Natural Language Processing(NLP).


Large Language Models are pretty cool, but we need to be aware of how they can be compromised. I will show how neural networks are vulnerable to attacks through an example of an adversarial attack on deep learning models in Natural Language Processing(NLP). We’ll explore the mechanisms used to attack models, and you’ll get a new way to think about the security of deep learning models.

With increasing adoption of deep learning models such as Large Language Models(LLMs) in real-world applications, we should consider security and safety of the models. To address the security concerns we need to understand the model’s vulnerabilities and how they can be compromised. After all, it is hard to defend yourself when you don’t know you are under attack.

You will gain the most out of this session if you have worked with deep learning models before.

TagsSecurity, Machine-Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing

Bernice Waweru

Bernice is a software engineer with experience in an intersection of high performing backend systems, data, and machine learning.

She works with Python to build web applications and machine learning systems. She has great interest in accessibility and leveraging machine learning to build more inclusive technology that improves digital experiences for people with disabilities.

During her spare time, she likes to write tech blogs, explore various restaurants and dance.