
Documenting Python Code

giovedì 23 maggio

11:40 - 12:25
Livello audienceBeginner
Elevator pitch

Unlock the power of well-documented code! Join me for a quick dive into Python documentation essentials—learn about Docstrings, Sphinx, reStructuredText, and embracing a docs-as-code approach with different markup languages. Keep your code usable and maintainable. Let’s document smarter, not harder!


Yes, folks, software documentation is important! So far, you’ve benefited from well-documented Python libraries, so it’s only natural to document your own code in order to keep your software usable and maintainable.

However, the first step is often the most difficult. Therefore, this talk will provide an introduction to documenting Python code effectively. You will learn about the basic concepts of Docstrings, the Sphinx documentation generator, and the standard lightweight markup language reStructuredText. You will also learn about the benefits of a docs-as-code approach in general, and find an answer to the question of whether Python can also be documented using other markup languages.

TagsDocumentation, Clean Code

Christian Heitzmann

Christian Heitzmann is a Java-, Python- and Spring-certified software developer with a CAS in Machine Learning and owner of SimplexaCode in Lucerne, Switzerland. He has been developing software for over 20 years and has been teaching classes and courses for over 12 years in the areas of Java and Python programming, mathematics, and algorithms. As a technical writer, he documents software architectures for companies and regularly writes articles for IT journals.