
Many ways to be a Python contributor

sabato 25 maggio

12:35 - 13:05
Livello audienceBeginner
Elevator pitch

There are many ways to contribute to Python, and in this talk, newcomers to the community will discover new ways to get involved in the Python community, and community members will get ideas for getting new people involved.


Python is an increasingly used language and the number of potential contributors is growing more and more.

Newcomers to the community have a lot of documentation to guide them to transform from mere users to contributors.

There are actually many ways to contribute to Python or one of its packages or frameworks, and we will try to see some of them together.

In this talk, new Python developers will discover new ways to get involved in the community, and community members will get ideas for getting new people involved.

TagsCommunity, Best Practice

Paolo Melchiorre

I’m Paolo Melchiorre, a longtime Python backend developer who contributes to the Django project and gives talks at tech conferences.

I’ve been a GNU/Linux user for over 20 years, and I use and promote Free Software.

I graduated in Software Engineering, and I’m an alumnus of the University of Bologna, Italy.

I’ve been working in the web for 15 years and now I’m the CTO of 20tab, a pythonic software company, for which I work remotely.