
Mastering Cryptography in Python: Best Practices and Myth-Busting

giovedì 23 maggio

11:00 - 11:30
Livello audienceBeginner
Elevator pitch

From cryptographers, you often hear not to roll your own crypto, and numerous warnings about what you should not do with cryptography. Wouldn’t it be awesome if instead we shifted the focus to what you should do?

Learn safe and correct ways of using essential cryptographic algorithms in Python.


In the realm of software engineering, the adage “don’t roll your own crypto” echoes loudly, cautioning developers against haphazard implementations. However, what if we shifted the focus from what not to do to what you should do?

In this engaging talk, we will delve into the world of cryptography in Python, explore recommended packages, and unveil the safe and correct methods of using essential cryptographic algorithms. We’ll go through various use cases for encrypting and signing data, ensuring you adopt best practices for robust security.

As we navigate this cryptographic journey, we’ll debunk prevalent myths, including the illusion of “military-grade encryption.” Discover why this term is more marketing than substance, and gain a more profound understanding of the cryptographic landscape. Let’s demystify cryptography together and empower you to wield its power responsibly.


Ruslan Kiyanchuk

Ruslan holds an M.Sc. degree in Information and Communication Systems Security from Kharkiv National University of Radio and Electronics in Ukraine, specializing in cryptography. As a graduate, he joined JSC “Institute of Information Technologies” to conduct research and development of symmetric cryptographic algorithms, where he collaborated with a team of cryptographers designing the block cipher “Kalyna” adopted as a national encryption standard in Ukraine in 2015.

Following his research in academia, Ruslan worked as a software engineer for both enterprises and fintech startups, focusing on product security and developing authentication and authorization systems.